Thermal and shock-proof


We have specialized in shipping of aquatic species thanks to our ultra-performing thermal and shock-resistant packaging. Praised by our customers, it is top-performing and allows temperature to be kept at optimal levels during transport. In case of big change in outside temperature, we add heat packs in winter time and ice packs in summer time. Our conditioning grants us the possibility to dispatch fish all year round, even during periods of cold or heat wave.

Animals guarantee


All animals are delivered with a ‘live arrival’ warranty upon reception. Indeed, our packing conditioning together with express transport allows us to ensure the animals’ well-being. Right after reception, the acclimatization process is simplified with the use a kit, especially designed in straight collaboration with the acclimatization center, to smooth the transition for all animals. If despite all our efforts, an animal does not arrive alive, we will refund its value. All you need is send us a picture of the sealed bag with the concerned animal inside.

Order preparation


Each order is prepared at the acclimatization center by a group of passionate aquarists. Each species is prepared and packed following a specific protocol adapted to each group of animals: corals, fish, invertebrates, etc. That way dozens of orders are prepared and dispatched to our customers.

Step 1


The animals reserved for your order are verified again to ensure they are in prime condition prior to their voyage all the way to your door.

Step 2


Animals are carefully fished out of their aquarium and put into transparent, water-proof plastic bags.

Step 3


Oxygen is pumped into the plastic bag (2/3 of its volume) and then sealed.

Step 4


Bags are placed into their special thermally isolated, shock-proof packaging and animals behavior is verified one last time.

When you get your package, refer to the acclimatization protocol.