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The most colorful Aquarium representatives include Angelfish (Pomacanthidae). Angelfish live in the tropical areas of all oceans and are to be found in particular in the vicinity of coral or rocky reefs. A typical particularity is the powerful sting on the front. In its size can be different subspecies clearly distinguished and between 10 and 60 cm reach. Angelfish are among the diurnal loners and defend their territory towards conspecifics.
Centropyge bispinosa
Other name: Twospined angelfish
AvailablePomacanthus Semicirculatus
Other names: Semicircle Angelfish, Half-circled Angelfish
AvailableCentropyge Flavicauda
Other name: Pygmy Yellowtail Angelfish
AvailableCentropyge Eibli
Other names: Blacktail Angelfish, Orangeline Angelfish, Orange Stripe Angel.
AvailableParacentropyge multifasciata
Other names: Multibar angelfish, Multibarred angelfish
AvailableChaetodontoplus Mesoleucus
Other name: Red Sea Butterflyfish
AvailableCentropyge flavissima
Other name: Lemon Peel, Yellow angelfish
AvailableCentropyge Tibicen
Other name: White-spot angelfish, Black angelfish
AvailableGenicanthus watanabei
Other name: Blackedged angelfish